A friend of mine had a girl last week. I am so excited for her! She is married for about 6 years, give or take.
My daughter's teacher is a Kallah. I do hope she manages to stay till the end of the year before she gets married and potentially move away. It is like only three months to the end of the year. Why do that to the girls? Last year the teacher moved away and they had a sub from after Pesach on. It was a nightmare. Let's hope this one stays. I do not like the young teachers for that reason! Hard on the girls.
A close friend of ours had a boy. We missed the bris this past week because it was not so close to us. Husband also had a meeting in the early AM. Until the meeting was planned, he was thinking of going there!
My cousin's children are making her a birthday brunch this Sunday. I was not invited (Father's first cousins wife) On her birthday she will be 94 years old.
S.I.L had a...oh, I am sorry. She is OVERdue for a while. Guess every time the phone rings we are all anxious to hear....
Mazel Tov
May we continue to share in simchas.