Thursday, March 29, 2007

Boruch Dayan HaEmes

With tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, I tell you that we are mourning the loss of Esther Malka bas Chasha Batsheva who was niftar this morning.

The levaya will take place today at 2:30 in Clifton, NJ.
Her sister Rivky will be flying in tonight and will sit shiva in Passaic at her sisters house. She appreciates that friends have been told.

HaMakom Yenachem Eschem Bsoch Shaar Avlei Tzion BYerushalayim.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Stop what you are doing.
Say a Perek of Tehillim for

Esther Malka bas Chasha Batsheva.

A mother of many who really needs a refuah.

I know her personally as she was my sister's childhood friend.

My friends big sister.


Say another Perek.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Boruch Dayan HaEmes

My favorite principle, Mrs. Shoshana Stein (from B.Y. of Brooklyn) was niftar today. The levaya is Sunday morning at 9 at Shomrei Hadaas.

Boruch Dayan HaEmes.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mazel Tov

A friend of mine had a girl last week. I am so excited for her! She is married for about 6 years, give or take.

My daughter's teacher is a Kallah. I do hope she manages to stay till the end of the year before she gets married and potentially move away. It is like only three months to the end of the year. Why do that to the girls? Last year the teacher moved away and they had a sub from after Pesach on. It was a nightmare. Let's hope this one stays. I do not like the young teachers for that reason! Hard on the girls.

A close friend of ours had a boy. We missed the bris this past week because it was not so close to us. Husband also had a meeting in the early AM. Until the meeting was planned, he was thinking of going there!

My cousin's children are making her a birthday brunch this Sunday. I was not invited (Father's first cousins wife) On her birthday she will be 94 years old.

S.I.L had a...oh, I am sorry. She is OVERdue for a while. Guess every time the phone rings we are all anxious to hear....

Mazel Tov
May we continue to share in simchas.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What a Beautiful Day

Came home melting because I was wearing my winter coat. I need a coat for the morning when I wait for the bus. Did not need it walking to the bus or coming home.

Waited for the kids to come home (after the boys switched to short sleeved shirts) and then off to the park we went. It was packed. I couldn't even turn down the two way street that the park is on because it was filled with....minivans! So I pulled into a driveway to go back where I came from and parked there. It was so crowded. The two older kids found friends there. The little one, well he made friends there. It was great. And I got to see some friends and socialize too.

It was a great day.
Tomorrow night it is supposed to snow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So many thoughts are running through my brain on what to write about.

Then, I actually start to write/type it....

and then something comes up.

Either it is work, home, life in general.

I do have lots of ideas.

I have even started them and they are in my drafts.

By the time I get to them it is sometimes too stale to even fix up and post, or even complete.

I will get there.

One day.

But until then.

This is it

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