Sunday, July 29, 2007


So I discovered facebook.
Believe it or not, I use my real name there.

I found some cousins and some old friends. It is not bad.

I don't like that when they email you that you have a new message or that someone "wrote on your wall" you cannot see what was written, you have to sign in to see it. I wish they made it a bit easier for those who do not keep facebook open 24-7, but still would like to see the latest "news".

I do like that I can upload my address book and they will automatically pull anyone who is in your address book and match with a facebook junkie and ask if you want to add as a friend. That way you don't have to go through your address book yourself. Just need to keep your address book updated and hope your friends use the same email address that you have.

I also like that I can look at my friends friends and see if I know anyone there. It is like six degrees. Let's see how many people we have in common.

It is stalking like because you can learn a lot about a person without them realizing you are there. I guess they realize you are there but can forget. If things are posted "on the wall".

It aint bad. Go ahead and try. It is not for college kids anymore.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

mazel tov!!

I got a great phone call tonight.

A girl I went to camp with many years ago, for many years got engaged tonight!!

I am so very happy for her.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Swim A Thon

Okay you lucky readers. My daughter is all excited about her swim-a-thon that she has coming is for Chai Lifeline!You an either pledege per "lap" she "swims/walks" oryou can pledge a flat fee!

Last year she did a LOT of laps in walking. This year the pool is different and it is much higher and she has a harder for her to swim or walk. The shallow water is even high for her. (okay she is petite after all!!)So please, be generous with your maser money, we are taking pledges... no denominations to small for us.

She would love it! She is sooo into this. She actually went to the neighbors!! I am very impressed with that. At first she didn't want to. But I told her in order to get a lot of pledges she MUST do the work herself!!

She called my sister.

She went to FOUR neighbors and they ALL pledged and already gave her a check.I cheated.

I emailed a friend from HS and she already pledged a flat fee. My daughter will be escatic to hear!!

email me for details.
oh and If I do not speak with you,Have a good and meaningful fast tomorrow. It is LOOOOONG one!!

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