Thursday, July 22, 2004

Back to Life
So everyone has been telling me to relax. I just do not get it. You think I am going to continue what I am doing until something serious happens? I think not! I mean, if I feel capable of doing things, why should I be relaxing? Yes, I just had a baby, and my body needs to heal, but don't I know my body better than the person telling me to calm down? Wont I realize what I need to do? Don't you realize that when things need to get done, and only you can do it, there is no choice.

Let me ask you this. If it was erev Pesach, would you relax knowing you have you entire house to clean?? I think NOT! You see that was the case with me. The day I came home from the hospital, I had to finish up packing, because we moved the next day. So what was I supposed to do? My darling husband took off a few days from work because of the move and the baby, but then...He could not do the entire packing himself. Yes we packed a lot before the baby. But we still had a ton to do...It wasn't easy. So I did what I had to do, and packed. Mind you for every one box I packed, he packed four/five. So it is not like I over exhausted myself. I also felt BH great, and when I was tired, I sat down. (oops, the beds were taken away the next day so there went lying down). I think I am capable of making decisions on my own...After all I am a grown married girl. Go figure. I guess people tend to forget that, and think they know better. Just because they were in bed or slept longer or whatever they did...And try to enforce their lifestyle on to me.  Can't people be different? Can't people react differently?

When my oldest was born, I also went out of the house two days later to buy a rocking chair. I went to hear kedushah the day I came home from the hospital so that I wont be "locked in my home" until I go hear it. Why is that wrong? If I felt fine, why couldn't I do things? They say if you are sick and all you do is lie in bed all day, you really wont get your energy back and it can take longer to get better. And here I did the opposite. I decided that I wont be sick and will do what I need to do. After all, I have two other kids as well that need to be tended to...What was I going to do? Let them fend for themselves?

In general, not just now, but a lot of times, when I state my opinion, my view on something, I am looked at like I am crazy. Why? The concept is not crazy, just unheard of by those who are not in the same/similar position I am. But, yet, I still have those that though they do not agree with my point of view and feel completely different, they will support me all the way when I state the obvious, how I feel. I am not doing anything crazy. Really. I just doing things for me, and taking a stand in life sometimes. Why is that crazy? Why is that unheard of? Why can't I have an opinion? I am educated. I was taught how to think and how to do things and now I am using it.

For all those out there, for those still left reading, thank you for letting vent out. For you, stand up for what you believe in. Think for yourself. Don't be crazy, but TRUST in yourself. Because if you don't trust yourself, who will??

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

MAZEL TOV! I forgot all about my webpage here until just now someone wrote to me about her reading someone else's...and then it hit me, that I have not updated in a really long time..and soo much has happened.
So, as you all know from reading my gb that I had a baby. .a baby boy. His name is Yosef Dovid. Yosef  was my Zaida and Dovid was his son, my uncle who was niftar this he has a name within the first year...I am happy that it was me.
I get another big mazel tov...a few days after having YD, we moved into a house that we just bought. Go figure. Don't ever try moving and having a baby at the same time. It is not easy...and everyone keeps yelling at you to relax, and take it easy, but you really cannot because you have soo much to do. Pack. Clean. Then unpack, clean, set up a new house...etc etc the list goes on and on.
Thank you everyone for your well wishes and I will try to remember that I have this blogpage to write on, and will try to do so... If I remember what to write about.
Mazel Tov Mazel Tov...thanks again.

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