Thursday, August 14, 2008


Just in case anyone reads this:

looseleaf paper 9 cents a package of 150. Two varieties offered. Wide and college ruled.
package of 100 index cards: 33 cents (good luck finding them in store)
package of 5 lead pencils, 25 cents (goodluck again)
Crayola Markers non washables 79 cents
Elmers Glue- free. limit two

That was it I needed.

Next week they have
Plastic rulers and pencils: Free
and I forget what else... Will find out on Monday when I go.

too bad they didn't have their sharpeners on sale, like last year... a penny each.

Still waiting for some rebate checks to come in the mail.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cell Phone

So I updated my phone. Finally. I got internet on it, with a qwerty keyboard. Not sure if I love it. Not sure if I will keep it. Or maybe I will exchange it for the new cool iphone! I do have texting on it as well..and we will see how that goes.

The next question is do I really need internet on my phone!?! I do love the fact that I get my email every so often where ever I am, so I am not so tied to my computer at home, but is the cost really worth it? Too bad my work won't pay for it. I am overhead, so why pay?

I think I might return the phone and keep my current plan with the additional texting for now. I think after my husband gets his new phone, yes, the iphone, I will decide if I want to splurge and get one for me. The actual cost for the phone does not bother me as much as the yearly cost of the internet. What can I cut out so that it will be worth it??

So if any you readers out there want to get the iphone or any other service with AT&T let me know first! (assuming you are not an AT&T customer (or cingular) First.

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