Monday Means Half the Summer is Over
My daughter is coming home tomorrow. First half is over. One month away from home. I am sure I am going to get a different girl when I see her tomorrow. I can't believe my little big girl was in camp for a whole month. I barely heard from her. The last call was Friday before Visiting day and that was two weeks ago. I am sure that means she had a great time. Others told me when they heard from their daughter, their daughter wanted to come home asap. I think she would love to stay for second half, but that will not happen now.
I still can't believe half the summer is over. That means school starts in a month. I guess that makes sense, since I have been shopping for school supplies already. I love getting a deal!
Speaking of deals. I saw a few weeks ago, in Gap Outlet a denim skirt that would be great for my daughter. I bought one for her. I told my sister in law(s). I bought one when I was there then. I splurged and spent $25 for it. A week later my local sister in law was there and bought for my other sister in law(on my side, not hers). I always felt bad, because I had a 15% coupon but left it at home. I was planning on going and never made it. A week later I get a call telling me that the skirt(s) I bought for $25 are now 30% off. I quickly went back this past week with a friend. I returned the one I bought and the ones my s.i.l bought for my other s.i.l and rebought them... 30% off PLUS my 15% coupon. So these $25 skirts in the end was UNDER $15. I love a bargain and this was it. Gap does not seem to have The Children's Place sales or coupons so this was a great bargain.
When I got to that mall, I was disappointed to see that TCP Outlet was closed again. It seems they are renovating it. It is a shame, because I only go there for the stores and I rarely buy anything at Gap. But all is well, I don't think I need anything till school starts. I think I am set for now. I love TCP prices on sale with a 20% coupon!
Hope your summer is going well and nothing major going on.
Have a great one.