Tuesday, November 22, 2005

We Have Gone TOOOOO Far

So I am behind the times in writing this. But I just heard this on the news on my way home. Why is this a proud thing, that Lakewood, NJ is banning internet in their schools. According to the news, "if you have internet at home, you are not welcomed in our schools" So the reporter said that if you have internet at home, you cannot go to a Jewish school. Go figure. Don't we have enough in the news about us, that we really need this important vital information the talk of topic.

I am so happy that I do not live in Lakewood. So far my school has not started up on this topic. They have asked if we have a TV, and the answer was no. I sort of understand the question, and I guess the same issue they have with TV, they are now having with internet. But this is 2005 and soon to be 2006. How can we not have internet? I mean...Really now. What is going to happen??

I was speaking with a friend. She agrees with this because she has had company where the young gentleman was online till 2-3am on a Saturday night. I am sorry. If he is old enough to understand what he is doing, he also knows what he is doing and there is nothing you can do about it. What already is so bad? I mean if he knows what to look for he will either do it at home, or go elsewhere and do it, like the newspaper stand or somewhere else.

Who is to say that by banning the internet we are not encouraging the kids to go seek and find why we are banning it. Please, why are we hiding from them?! There are ways to get around it, if you are worried, go block everything possible. Get a lock and key. To say that all you need is one boy to get an AOL screen name, and pass the information around...What you are doing is, causing people to lie.

From what I am gathering, it is best to lie, if you want your kids to be in school. If you don't care, or if you find another school that will accept the new modern age, and does not feel the need to live in the shtetl, be honest and tell them you have internet.

But beware, word is out. If you have internet at home, you will have a hard time with shidduchim.


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