Thursday, October 23, 2003


Why do females cry more often than males? Why is acceptable for us females to cry? No matter where we are or what the occasion is, we cry. Whether it is a wedding, a bris, or a levayah we still let the same tears race down our cheeks.

We cry for ourselves. We cry for others. Once we start, we will think of all the sad thoughts and continue crying about those things too, even if it is not relevant to this cry. It still makes the cry a good cry with more tears streaming down our face.

Many friends have been crying lately. We all cry. We just don't share with others when we do. But let you know, when we cry, we are thinking of our fellow friends who have just cried, and we include them in our cry with a fresh flow of new tears.

So the next time you see your fellow female crying, don't ask her why she is crying, just join her!

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Wednesday, October 08, 2003


Well who would know shortly after I blog, I would be MIA myself. Thus is life. So for now, I bid this YomTov traveling is catching up and now I am sick or getting over being sick, JUST in time to do another round of this YomTov traveling.

Hope everyone is okay, and had a good and meaningful fast this YomKippur, and have a great Succos....

So until next time....Please sign my guestbook...scroll down for the link.

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