Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Just Stuff

I am so excited. Okay, let us not exaggerate. But I got my Horizon magazine today in the mail. Now I need to find time to read it. I guess it is reading that, or blogging, or playing on line. Tonight I chose on-line. Maybe I will just save it for Shabbos...(yeah, like I get a chance to read then.)

I am not sure what to do. My cleaning lady (yeah, I am spoiled) is coming tomorrow. Last week she was here for two hours and I gave her four things to do. She did only two of the four. Tomorrow she will be here for four hours and I am afraid that what I need most will be neglected or not done as I want, and I won't even be home to check on her. I also not so sure what needs to be done now, and never know how long it will take her to actually do the work. Sometimes she takes her time, and others she gets most of it done. So we will see. I think I might just look for someone new, but that I hate as well. I am not so good with firing people, or asking them not to come. But it is not really my fault. She doesn't speak my language, how easy is it to communicate then?
Again today was election day here in my hometown. I am not sure why they don't make the two elections the same day, opposed to a month apart. But what do I know about politics. They just like us to get out and go vote. I did. I took two kids with me as well. We got little hand outs on our way into the voting room. It was cute. Yes they were all outside the building...No politicians inside! I wonder if they actually stood there all day. One of the councilman who is running was there this morning, and again tonight when I walked over there. Could it be? Could it be there is only one place to vote here? I think not. Wonder if he went to the other area? Mind you, we have two places right next door to one another. No, really. I am serious. One is in the public school and the other is in the Shul which is right next door. Go figure. Last month I ran around trying to figure out where to vote. I was not sure which address they had. This month I remembered. I think we are done with voting...Until. next.month. Don't. ask.
Trying to get a swing set for our kiddies. You can spend over ten grand for one. Hard to chose. I guess the pocket book will make the decision easier. It is important especially since we do have the space to get a nice swingset for them to play in the backyard. If only....ah, to dream.
My have things changed over time. I remember when I was younger...before I was married I used to be very very into my JM and during this time of year I was eagerly waiting for Lag BaOmer so I can listen to my CD's. Now, I haven't bought a new CD in over a year. Things are different. My collection is old. The only new tapes I buy are Uncle Moishe no more Dachs, Wald, and forget the new singers. I wonder if it is me or the age. Which do you think?
The world is a small place. And Jewish geography is getting smaller and smaller. Went to a wedding. My cousins son is good friends with an old friend of mine. Went to make a shiva call, and someone there knew my my husbands sisters family. Knew her mother inlaw very well. Another person came, and he is extremely close with my cousins. The four corners are getting closer and closer. Last night at the wedding we were trying to figure out how we are related to one another. "I'm my own Grandpa" came to mind. It was quite funny.
Adios for now my dear readers.
Must go do work and clean up.
How come my spacing is all screwed up??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice swingset as in....it will last for the next generation..as in the kids will not outgrow in a year or two..as in the wood doesn't get splintered...as in heavy duty plastic slide so you dont burn yourself...it is plastic after all
as in swings for the kids, monkey bars, rockwall, slide. etc etc etc.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:56:00 PM  
Blogger PsychoToddler said...

First thing we did when we moved into our house (14 years ago!) was put up a "nice swingset." It's still up. But for sanity sake I'd recommend having a professional put it together.

What do you play online?

Friday, May 13, 2005 4:48:00 PM  

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