Tuesday, March 29, 2005


So I am a few days late, but don’t think I haven’t tried. As usual, blogger has some issues with my posting and doesn’t let me post when I want to. I never seem to learn my lesson, I just continue doing it the same way and get frustrated when it doesn’t work. I should know better…I should do things differently, but I don’t want to.

My daughter dressed up in her costume from last year (mental note, buy her a new costume next year) a kallah or as she said Queen Esther. She loved it. We got her a new tiara, a Barbie one (only one in the store) and it was pink. Didn’t go so well with her white gown, but she loved it so much. I guess that was the point. My son was all excited to be a clown. I borrowed a costume for him and he couldn’t wait for Purim to be a clown. Purim morning showed up, and he got himself dressed in a bob-the-builder shirt and refused to put on the clown costume. Nope. NO costume for him. The baby wore a costume once we settled at home for the seudah. Adorable.

We delivered shaloch manos starting at 9:45 am. We came home at 11:30 to heat up the food and made sure to start on time. We had the seudah at home. One party showed up before twelve. He was careful to wash before shkiah. My husband kept on telling me to go home and he will go with the kids and his friend and continue, and I should go home and finish for the seudah. I didn’t listen. I should have. The food wasn’t HOT for the seudah, but it was warm. Slowly the others trickled in. we started. We didn’t wait for the last couple, and they finally showed up at 1:15, but they are excused, she just made a bris on Wednesday, and has two other boys under the age three. Everyone enjoyed. The kids were sneaking in and raiding the shaloch manos that we brought in from the car and hid under the table. After so many times, I just gave them their own pails of shaloch manos that I prepared for all the kids who came. They didn’t bother with real food. They just ate the junk food.

I ran out at three, to go hear megilah. A great read. I packed audience. Apparently, there were lots of ladies who found the time at Three PM on a Friday Purim to walk out of their house and go hear megilah. It was very nice. I saw my ex-sister in laws sister there and avoided her. I do not know if she knows me or not, but I hope to never have to befriend her. Meaning if her son is the same age as mine, she goes to the other school. I don’t know where she lives but I see her from afar. I don’t know if she remembers me or not, but we will leave it at that.

After megilah reading I ran home to make chicken for Shabbos and soup. While I was doing that, my husband took the kids to the neighbors with the carriage to carry the shaloch manos. At 4:15 we dared to continue to deliver. My goal was to get rid of all the shaloch manos that I had made. We went around town and did it. We went back to peoples houses who we initially thought were away for Purim/Shabbos but I found out later they were not. My daughter made it to all her local teachers. My son refused to go to one of his teachers. He was just not in the mood. I felt bad. But he did request to give to some friends and teachers. He was really cute when we went inside. But the 4pm run with the kids didn’t turn out so well. All the friends they went to at that hour were taking baths already. By five we were home and had to clean up, and get ready for Shabbos.

The seudah was nice. This was my first time making it. We had 5 couples, 1 single guy and a total of 21 kids plus two infants. Most of the men drank, just enough to make them enjoy and have fun. One wife drank as her husband was driving. It was great. No one got sick. The best when there is drinking involved. I don’t recommend staying home afterwards, as it was so hard to clean up. I didn’t get a chance to completely clean everything up, but now the house is in order. I had a great time and will probably do it again next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"wash before shkiah"- chatzos ;)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like great fun! :)
-- Rachel G.

Thursday, March 31, 2005 7:00:00 AM  

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