Sunday, March 13, 2005


My son went with his class to the Pet store on Thursday. He was learning about sea creatures, so what is the next obvious step? Go to the pet store to see the fish who are sea creatures. What is the next step? Come home with a huge smile all happy and giddy with a brand new pet GOLDFISH! Yup, you read correctly, a goldfish has graced our home. What is the plural of goldfish? Goldfish. So now we have FIVE goldfish or as the kids call them fishies.

I was very excited to hear from my son how his trip to the store went. What brave teachers they are to take such young ones to a pet store! What nerve they have to send a pet home without asking beforehand! But, we survived. He told me all about it. That he went on a bus to the store. He saw the fish and showed me the new addition to the family. He was so happy. I just did not know what to do. So we left it in the bag it came in and hoped his father would figure a new home for the fish. Later on we found a temporary solution of an empty clean marinara jar until I go on Friday and buy a fish bowl and some more fish. I. get. to. go. with. three. kids. after. school. to. the. pet. store. and. buy. more. goldfish. and. fish. products. ME! alone. with. three. kids. I was not a happy camper.

But I figure, if I go to the store and start off small, maybe we can work our way up to an aquarium. I always wanted one. I did. I really did, but never had one. The only pet I would tolerate. But my husband wants a puppy. A small one. I don't think this will be a compromise. We are not going to get a dog in this house! I am afraid of them, no matter what kind. He doesn't think much of fish. So we are even. No fish for me, no puppy for him. In the meantime the kids have the goldfish, in which they forgot about already (I am sure!)
Oh, you should just know....goldfish are very very very cheap!! No wonder they give them out at carnivals!


Blogger PsychoToddler said...

My kids brought home a goldfish from a purim carnival in 97 and it lasted until 03 when my daughter dumped a whole jar of fish food into the tank.

Actually it was more like a succession of fish, because they would die from poor tank hygeine.

Goldfish are very dirty. But nice for a while.

BTW I misread "marinara" jar and had to go back. Whew. I wouldn't know what the other one means anyway.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:22:00 PM  

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