Monday, January 31, 2005

Why I am Starting to Hate Blogging...

Okay, I rechecked my blogging and I am hating this. I try to make it look normal but no can do. I try to change it, and repost my blogs, but it doesn't seem to see my changes all the way through. I try to post a blog and lost it three times. I just do not get it. Why and how does this happen?

There goes blogging. I might not like it, but what choice do I have? Any suggestions? You finally got me to blog, but there are major issues I guess I will either deal with it or not. Time will tell.


Blogger yochi said...

I know the feeling. I wrote a really long story and then lost it when i wanted to post it. Wrote it again: lost it. So the third time I just wrote what had gone wrong with posting: couldn't publish that. The next day, i wrote again that something was going wrong, was finally able to post it and then checked my blog. what did I see? Right. Two messages that something had gone wrong. The one from that day and the one from the day before :(.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005 7:18:00 AM  

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