Sunday, January 16, 2005


I offered my services to help with the Ladies auxiliary with their Chinese Auction this year. I offer bookkeeping help. I figured, I got an accounting degree, might as well use it. Little did I know what it really entails.
I get a call asking if I can help with the pledges. They have a list of pledges, and letters need to go out to them. Thank them for the pledge. Reminding them they need to pay up. I was taken aback. Not exactly what I was counting on, but I agreed. What choice did I have. I found out later the person who is in charge, just had triplets. Her youngest is 4 years old and has like three other kids as well. The family almost doubled. A short week and a half later, she was back in service. Impressive! How could I say no now?
So I read this impressive list. Sorry. I am a snob. I am used to computers. This is list is on a pad of paper, hand written. Not only that...But there is a lot of work in entails for me that I had not counted on. They only give me the last names, and occasionally a first name. I have to look up in the phonebook and pull out the names and addresses of the pledgees. What fun. Then I need to match the name to the actual item that they have bought with the money. So I am dealing with two or three books at one time (the old phone book, the new phone book and the Chinese auction booklet) Frustrating to say the least. At least is is small, I had to decipher some handwriting and hopefully read the right name.
I have a few issues with this. I don't like most of the prizes. I think they should have and could have done better. They need to do better, as they need to get more money. They need better prizes. I am so curious as to how much this auction will bring in. Mind you, they did get things donated, they got items and time, or money off daycamps, least someone else is doing those letters.
So tomorrow my letters should be going out. Then I might be getting mail. Mail addressed to me, but not really to me. The envelope where they are supposed to pay up, will be coming to my house. Lucky me. Like I don't have enough things to keep track of. At least they will deposit the monies and not me. I hope it all works out. I had a hard time with it. I am still missing a list of names, like where an entire alumni class chipped in for something, etc. That will come later. Oh the joy. I cannot wait.
I call the one who is in charge. I didn't want to bother her..She just had triplets a few weeks ago. But I had to call someone, as no one gave me full details on what was supposed to be done. The end of the conversation was nearing. She asked me to keep a file on this. A letter, the spreadsheet etc, so that next year....The Chutzpah! But it will make life easier on the next years person.


Blogger Mrs. said...

sounds like fun...
Just think that you're helping them raise money! and if you volunteer NEXT year, i"YH, it'll be easier!

Sunday, January 23, 2005 3:25:00 PM  

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