Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Everything Falls into Place

Everything falls into place.
I asked the payroll person about my hours and to tell one of the girls in my office regarding my "holiday" day offs. She thinks and is under the impression that I get off for Yomim Tovim and have a full benefit package. If only she was right. I wanted to show this person that NO, that is NOT the case and that when I take off for my holidays, I am using my benefit days. I don't get a week off on top of taking a week of for Succos. They are one and the same. I don't know how or why she thought, but I really wanted to make sure the office knew that as I didn't want them to think other wise. Oh how I wish it was otherwise. It is very hard to take off for yom tov and then realize your benefit days off are gone, so you are taking off with no pay. In any event, the payroll person came back to me and said that I didn't use any benefit days the past pay check but I have one vacation day left and three sick/personal days left. All but the vacation day expire by the end of the year.
I was totally surprised. First, that was NOT what I had asked for. I wanted her to agree with me that my holiday days off were not in addition to what the benefit packaged offered to the office staff. And, secondly, I thought I was done with my benefit days and then to know that I have FOUR paid days off left?! And that three do NOT roll over. I was floored. I wanted to complain to my boss. No fair. When I was hired the old boss never told me vacation days roll over. Second, when I take off for yom tov, why cant some of the days be personal days so I can save my vacation days and accumulate them yearly. I tried twice to speak with her today, especially since she is leaving on vacation tomorrow. No such luck.
Then the phone rang.
It was the school nurse. B is sick. Come get him. Or if not you, who will be here and when. Yikes. I knew this morning that he was not well. He felt warm. Didn't actually take his temperature, but my friend who babysits said he doesn't have fever. I asked if he wanted to stay home, and he was adamant about going to school. So off to school we went. I mentioned to the Morah that he was under the weather a little and keep an eye on him. Sure enough, about two hours later, I get the phone call. I call the sitter. She cant leave now. The baby just fell asleep so off I go, start making phone calls to friends to see who is around to pick him up from school, or stay in my house for five minutes while the sitter goes to school to get him. On the first try my good friend goes to get him.
While talking to my sitter, I notice she doesn't sound so good. So I offer that I will come home. I mentioned that I will stay home tomorrow, after all I just discovered that I have all these days off to use up. She wasn't feel so well either and didn't really want the responsibility of the two boys. So, if I was offering, please come home.
So now I waited for boss once again, but for different reasons. Thankfully I didn't get a chance to mention the previous discussion, I now told her that I am taking the rest of the day off and tomorrow as well. And while she is at it, next Thursday as well...A personal day to spend with my husband since he has off and the kids have school. No problem. There you go. I found a way to use all my benefit days. Unfortunately I have to have a sick child...


Blogger Anshel's Wife said...

I can't even take a regular vacation because all my vacation days get used up for holidays. 2 weeks for Succos, and 2 weeks for Pesach and then all the other holidays. My boss is very nice, though. She works with me so that I can make up time or take work home (which never works since I would have to do it once the kids are in bed and then there are so many things to do at home.....) Once in awhile I skip out early. I just pray my co-workers don't mention it to anyone. For instance, I left a little early on Chanukah so my husband could light. (funny to say so my husband could light) We have agreed I will come in on Dec. 24 (a company day off) and make up my time.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 4:59:00 PM  

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