Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I don't understand. Whenever it rains I am unable to use my internet connection at home. The wireless doesn't respond and I get disconnected from my work at home station. I asked the computer guy who just showed up today, and said check your TV reception the next time it rains. You will see the same thing. Problem. No TV in the house. Oh well. I guess I will try to call the cable company next time it happens.
School called today. If my son does not get his hepatitis B shot, he CANNOT come back to school after Chanukah vacation. I am annoyed about that. I went to the Dr and he was supposed to have given him the shot based on the information I gave him, that my son is IN school this year, in YKP nursery. He knows the requirements. He knows that the kids need all three in the series and yet, he chose to ignore me after me telling him three times. I did not know at that time, that that shot was a required shot for school! I am so mad. I am not the only one who is not so happy with him, but I seem to have a problem. I really like his hours (night time) and he is starting out here (was a Dr elsewhere). He is a frum doctor who moved to my area when I moved. He took my kids and didn't charge me much when I didn't have insurance for a month (yes, horrible idea when you have kids). My inlaws know him and m.i.l says he is great. The problems that I have are: he doesn't seem to listen to me when I talk, case given, re: shot. He was not a pediatrician before, so basically he is knew at this! He doesn't have the bedside manners that I like. He is laid back which is good, but sometimes tooo laid back for my own taste. I am not sure what to do. I think I would like to switch doctors. But do not know to who.
It is interesting. Before I moved here, whenever I called my old doctor he would always without fail, tell me to bring the child in. This doctor, tells me to wait it out unless I feel it is threatening. He tells me if I want I can bring the child in. I find it funny. Before I hated the Dr for always telling me to bring the child in, and now I am complaining that he doesn't want to see the child. (okay, not complaining about that, but you can see my point)
My babysitter answered the phone today when the school called, and told them that I was having a problem with my doctor. They said he is there to service you, if he doesn't. Leave. Find someone else. Nice practical answer for something they know nothing about. But I like the idea. Forget the guy who is trying to make a parnasah, this is your LIFE. If you are not happy, you need to find someone who will make you happy.
Now the search begins...For a new doctor that is in my plan.....

A freilichin Chanukah to you all


Blogger Anshel's Wife said...

I like my doctor because he doesn't feed into the panic of parents. But he always says to come in if I want. And I don't feel that he is being patronizing. I also like that he doesn't prescribe anti-biotics for everything. Sometimes he doesn't prescribe anything at all. But he always says that if the condition doesn't improve in a certain amount of time, then bring the kid back.

Our ped. is Jewish, but not frum. He knew us before we were frum. He kids us and jokes with us. But he is a real mentsch.

When he visited me (and the baby) in the hospital after I had her, he asked me the baby's name. I told him that if he went to shul where my husband goes the next day, he'll find out. So, he went! And got an aliyah. (he goes to shul everyday anyway) He came in that morning and told me my daughter's name!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 7:13:00 PM  

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