Sunday, November 02, 2003

Unsolicited Advice

Wow! It has been a while since I last posted. Almost 10 days. I guess I am not a true blue hocker since I don't have the time to post. I am too busy reading to post my own views on life. So what can I post about...I already posted about life and tears and things to share with you guys, I am just drawing a blank here. Life is great! I have no complaints and even if I did, what is the point of complaining? What will happen? What will change if I complain about life? NOTHING! Unless I do something. So why complain?

Complaining does not help. Might as well keep it to myself, and when I see something wrong I try to fix it. If I cannot fix it then I have to figure something else. I might speak to my friend or who whomever I have the issue with and try to talk with them and have them fix it. I do have issues when friends seek advice and do not use the advice given.

If advice is offered without it being requested then I do not expect the person to follow it. But if the person would ask me for advice, yeah, I get insulted when asked for my opinion and then blow it off. It bothers me, but I need to remember that the person who is asking is NOT me and does not necessarily see life through my eyes and that when I ask for advice, I don't always follow what the other person offers. I guess it is a two way street.

But, we all need to remember everyone's sensitivity. When asking for advice always listen to the one whom you seeked to ask this question about. Take into consideration that the person you asked advice from is thinking about you and trying to help you. They took the time to think and help you. Be considerate and say thank you and offer the words "thank you for your time and effort...I will think about what you have said" or something on that note.

For those who offer advice where advice is not sought out. Be careful. No one really wants unsolicited advice. You cannot get offended when the person does not listen and you must realize that if they did not ask you ...They don't necessarily want to hear what you have to say. If they where, they would ask!

Don't forget to sign and tell me what you think...I am asking!!


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